Frequently asked Questions


What types of alcoholic beverage can I purchase to carry around the Social District Area?

Beer, wine, and liquor are all allowable drinks when served in a designated container. Drinks must be purchased inside a participating business.

Can I take my drink into other businesses?

No. Once a designated drink has left the business where it was served, it must be consumed before you enter any other establishment.

Can I take an empty designated Social District cup into a business so I can reuse it?

No, you must throw away your Social District cup before entering any business.

Can I bring my own alcoholic beverage, pour it into a Social District cup and walk around the Social District?

No, the only drinks allowed are those purchased from businesses participating in the Social District program. No cans, glass bottles, or outside drinks are permitted with the boundaries per State and local law.

NOTE: All State of Michigan and City of Ann Arbor laws apply, including but not limited to those prohibiting public intoxication, impaired driving, open containers and serving alcohol to minors.